
Anna Marie Norkori

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Anna Marie Norkori

alias: Anne Nox

Passenger or Pilot

Age: 18

Sex: Female


Anna is an heiress to the Norkori Conglomerate, a powerful business family within the Alliance. The family has a rich tradition of marrying for power and wealth like old alliances. But, Anna doesn't want to. She wants to be free and so, she ran away after hocking all her expensive jewely. Her talent is, she can pilot. She also can cook and do some first aid. She is very careful not wanting to reveal herself travelling under an alias. To do this,she left her homeworld on a freighter and made her way to the outer rim. Her goal is to serve on whatever ship she can and remain below the radar of the Alliance and her family's agents in the hopes of one day being able to be with whom she wants and someday have her family accept it.


Family: The Norkori Conglomerate is extremely powerful.  They have many ships and control some  Alliance ports using their monetary

influence. While not a crime family, they do what is needed to maintain and control their powerbase.

"I can do this. I am not a helpless rich girl!"

A proud member of the SLA.