
Jacob Manaan

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Jacob Manaan

Actual Name: Jacob Manaan Sekto
Postion: AWOL Alliance officer
Age: 22
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Physical Appearance
A tall slender Brit of six foot and three inches with dark brown hair atop his head. Has had beard for some months due to lack of shaving utensils and it helps to disguise his features.

Hard ass.
A militaristic hard ass.
A militaristic stainless steel hard ass, he lives by the rules and sees no reason for breaking them even if it would be to his advantage. When off duty is very relaxed but when “working” he becomes the perfect model Alliance soldier. Rank is everything and he shies away from his background, and his reason for leaving the Alliance.

Good eyesight at long distances, excellent pilot with some (As in “Red wire…green wire…it’s all good!”) engineering skills, adequate shot with a pistol, absolutely loyal to his employers up until his contract comes up for review in which case it’s either time to be model soldier or pack up and head outta Dodge.

He sees war as the true definition of democratic choice, longs to go home to New Cambridge and see his family again, and sees smuggling as the ends to a means. Very superstitious to the point of enforcing this beliefs on others. Always looking over his shoulder to see if the Alliance has found him, knowing that if they do…well at least it’ll be quick and…. maybe painless.

Whilst on patrol with the Alliance Jacob was ordered by his captain to dock with a civilian transport, the New Dawn. Whilst docked a leak in the fuel lines of the New Dawn, causing a catastrophic engine break down, Unable to remain docked Jacob broke off sharply, ripping the air lock off the New Dawn and exposing the civilian ship to hard vacuum.
To deep in shock and blaming himself for his action Jacob made trails for the closet inhabitant world. Once there he destroyed the Alliance vessel and stowed away on numerous civilian transports and ‘other’ craft.
Now after a year he knows the Alliance is after him, and he longs to see his family again on the Core world of New Cambridge, but knows to do that would be to bring death to there door.

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