
Jack O'Altrad

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Jack O'Altrad (At least his present name)

Character gender:

Jack works fairly hard at not standing out, most of the time. He has made sure that if anyone was to describe him that nothing in particular stands out. Average height, average build, mousy brown hair, fairly non descript clothes. All designed so that anyone looking for him, and there are people looking for him, wouldn't get much by circulating his description. So many fit the way he looks it is hard to narrow it down just to him.

His character and strength of will is where he expresses himself. But only when he needs to. He is very strong willed though only tends to show this when he needs to. But when he does then people are left in no doubt that what he says he means. He doesn't bluff. Or at least he gives that impression.

Character career:
Pilot/Trader/Engineer/Mercenary/Whatever. Basically Jack is an opportunist who throughout his life has done what it takes to get along, stay alive and be his own man. Along the way he has done many things, been many people and picked up the odd skill here and there.


*Mechanic - Despite having no formal training Jack has an extensive experience in getting things to work. Usually this means recycling various parts, repairing others and just a plain stuborness to give up Sometimes it takes him a bit of time and a lot of swearing but he eventually gets there.

*Pilot - A fair pilot, Jack can get most anything that flys in the air and to wherever fairly intact and with everyone alive and mostly unhurt. Thats a good pilot in his books.

*Trader - He has an eye for a profit and a mind for bartering. Experience has taught him that a lot of the time you have to be 'creative' in your trading. A term which covers a multitude of sins.

*Fair Chess player/Excellent Poker Player - Though Jack has the mind to be good at chess he hasn't the interest. Poker is more his game as it is as much about attitude and will as it is about intelligence and odds. Plus it is easier to cheat at cards.

*Combat - Jack has some experience in both unarmed and armed combat. He knows enough to realize that when it comes to staying alive it is always best not to actually have to fight. And that when you do there is no such thing as dirty fighting. You just do what you have to do.

Short character background:

Jack grew up as an orphan on some backwards, dirt poor, colony on the rim. At first cared for, in the loosest possible terms, by a succession of aunts, uncles and relatives he very quickly graduated to relying on himself and himself alone. Everything he got he got through his own wits after that. And as soon as he could he got off his own world and has been travelling from world to world ever since, doing what it takes to get on. Mostly that was trading, sometimes it was being an engineer, sometimes it was being a mercenary. Mostly it was just about making money.

When the war did come he didn't take sides believing each side was as good or as bad as the other. Besides there was no way he was going to risk his life for anyone but himself. Maybe for the people he is working with at the time but definitely not for some jumped up despot who is going to order his death for the greater good. He firmly believes that you have to be your own man. Which is why at times he traded with both sides. Always careful, always cautious but seeing the need to take risks from time to time he managed to come out of the war fairly unscathed and with a little profit.

Drifting for a while he ended up in partnership with Jonathan Gates. A fairly successful partnership or so Jack thought until he was left high and dry by his partner on Clothos. Fortunately he managed to run into captain Edgar Dickens and so gained a place on the Monarch as its mechanic. Until the Kestrel came along.

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