Age 27
Occupation: Musician
Physical Description: Stands 5'7" in her cotton socks. Is not a startling beauty but definitely is worth a second look.
Avani's eyes are hazel and she keeps her straight dark brown hair at a manageable shoulder length. When not performing Avani
prefers simple elegant comfortable clothes. When in the lime light her stage look has a vintage bohemian feel to
it. She always wears her fathers wedding band on her right thumb.
Personality/Roleplaying Tips: Avani is at ease with herself and the verse around her, a friendly, warm and relaxed
soul with a slightly warped sense of humour. Has a beautiful speaking voice. It takes a lot for her to
lose her temper but when she does she becomes very sarcastic and is liable to throw the first thing that comes to
hand. Very focused personality especially when it comes to her music. Sees things through to the end, no matter what.
There can be on rare occasions a hardness, a distance about her that can be slightly disconcerting. Reluctant
to do menial tasks or get her hands dirty. Has a weakness for fine wines, luxury skin care products, chilled ripe pears
and bald men.
Skills/Abilities: Perfect pitch, only needs to hear a piece of music once before she can replicate it without fault.
Has a trained voice, rich timbered and crystal clear but top notes too blurred and vocal range not extensive
enough for any operatic interest, her voice much more suitable for common singing, can easily capture and hold an
Is a classical concert pianist first and foremost. Also trained in classical guitar, traditional Zheng (Chinese
lap harp.) and Di-Zi (chinese flute) Avani's musical talent is not limited to these instruments.
Good shot with a pistol, father insisted that all his children could hit a target square centre, Avani just happened
to be rather good at it.
Has her pilots license for shuttle craft, nothing bigger.
Can't cook or mend at all.
Does not get on well with horses,
Tai chi practitioner.
Private Motivation (not known by most characters) To hunt down and kill every single person that was responsible
for or was connected to the murder of her family.
Born on Osiris and into the Roe family, one of the most wealthiest and influential crime familles in the core worlds.
Avani's vast musical talent was picked up on at the tender age of six, by the time she was twelve the young Avani was
entered into the most prestigious music conservatory in the Core. There her world revolved around her music and constant practice.
Avani's first solo recital was at the age of sixteen after that her world was a whirlwind of high society occasions,
concerts and recitals, becoming the darling of the musical world by the time she was nineteen. The war was a distant
thing, something that happened to other people.
Although relatively sheltered and protected from the outside world Avani did not see the verse or her family through
rose tinted glasses nor was she always a model student and citizen. As she grew older her fame transformed her life
and sucked her into the kind of gilded lonely cage only other solo pianists could identify with. It was with the
deaths of her entire family two years ago in an explosion at the family home that ended Avani's glittering
career. She became intent to the point of obsession to find those responsible, having never believed the conclusion of
the official investigation, Accidents like that did not happen to familles like the Roe's.
To date Avani has had no luck in her search, frustrated by dead ends and empty hope. This is her second hook up with
the monarch and her crew, perhaps this time she'll find what and who she is looking for.