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Logan Hall
"If you can laugh, nothing can ever hurt you."
Physical Description: At 25 years, old Logan stands 6' tall at about 160lbs. Shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. Slim build except for the little buddha belly that he's picked up from the bars. Usually wearing a pair of blue jeans, a throwback/vintage shirt, and one of any number of mesh backed ball caps. Wears prescription eyeglasses purely for their aestetic value.
Personality/Roleplaying Tips:
*Always ready with a sarcastic quip and joke, Logan is an all around fun loving, easy going guy.
*He is very nonconfrontational for the most part. In awkward situations, he is the first person to try and break it up with a joke. He feels that if you can keep your sense of humor, you can laugh any situation away.
*Not the most attractive guy at first glance, women (especially those with a couple of drinks in them) find his quick wit and charm to be very attractive.
*Rarely found without his pouch of tobacco and his flask of bourbon.
*Logan's vices; booze, women, and gambling, have gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion. Not a card counter, but unnaturally, some would say, lucky with cards.
*His fascination with the human psyche has made him quite adept at reading people.
*While not a religious guy, he does have a lot of faith. In fact, probably his favorite quote comes from Martin Luther of 16th century Earth that was, "I have no religion. I have all the faith in the world though."
*Logan's overall 'no worries' attitude and his sense of humor tend to make him a pretty likable guy.

Private Motivations (not known by most characters):
His best friend has always been his father. Logan strives to find balance between making his father proud and living up to his own expectations of himself.

*Excellent sharpshooter
*Average with sidearms
*Not much of a fighter in a brawl
*Excellent civil engineer and contractor
*Well qualified with heavy construction vehicles as well as most civilian vehicles, both hover and friction based
*Virtually no skill with piloting or mechanics
*Well qualified with heavy construction vehicles as well as most civilian vehicles, both hover and friction based
*Can hold his liquor pretty well for someone of his stature
*Tactically quite clever at times
*Well rounded person intellectually especially with history

History: Logan, as well as his three brothers, were born on an Alliance outpost on Ariel to Randy and Kathi Hall. His father, Randy, was a student at the university in the field of history. Specialty, Earth that was. At night he worked as a narcotics enforcer for the alliance outpost. His mother, Kathi, was a beautician at a local shop.

Logan was blessed in that he was born into a happy family. His father's academic endeavors left the family short on cash most of the time, but there was always food on the table. Logan and his brothers went to the same public school around the corner for their entire academic career. As with most children raised into the military, you learn to love or hate the military lifestyle. Logan took to the latter belief. During High School Logan found a copy of 1984 in his father's expansive library. It was one of those books that just changes your life. Logan soon became obsessed with the idea of 'Big Brother' watching.

His hatred of 'the man' as well as his teenage need to rebel against his parents wishes soon found him into a shady crowd. Most of his later teen years were spent in fog. Logan was however very lucky in that neither his parents nor the police ever busted him in any of his illegal endeavors. While all of the drugs did do wonders for his creativity during his new found love of painting, they definitely took their toll on him academically. He had always been a bright boy, but he was rapidly becoming one of those kids that teachers refer to as wasted potential.

After graduating, barely, Logan's grades had taken such a sharp decline that scholarships were out of the question. Filled with an unexplainable urge to attend college, Logan had to find a real job so as to pay for it himself. Kathi, Logan's mother, had a client that was a contractor for a local industrial construction company. Never one for physical labor, but in dire need for real cash, Logan took his mothers advice and applied for a construction job with the aforementioned client. Logan got the job, made descent money, and enrolled in community college as an art student.
Three years later Logan had moved from pushing a broom on the jobsite to being an assistant foreman that had taught himself spanish just by listening to the Spanish workers on the jobsite. He had inadvertently found his calling in life, construction. His drug habit slowing down with his maturity increasing, he found the construction of the buildings appealed to his creative way of thinking. Ironically, with his drug habit fading out, while making a quick twenty creds by running as a middle man in a drug deal, Logan was arrested for possession. Between the court costs and the mandatory rehab time, Logan's entire college fund had been wiped out. He just didn't have it in him to build all that money back up.
So taking a page from his father's life story, he joined the military to finish college. While not agreeing with their ideals, he figured it would be easier getting big brother to pay for schooling than himself. While in Basic Training he was found to be exceptional with a sniper rifle. Trainers were torn; his scores showed the capabilities of a nuclear tech, his marksmanship was incredible, but all he wanted to do was build. He spent the next four years as a builder and engineer for the Alliance. Thanks to his choice in careers he saw none of the frontline of the war. He just rebuilt in the after math. While serving the Alliance, Logan was able to finish his academic career through the online Alliance Academy.

Filled with a newfound love for visiting and rebuilding in 'exotic' locations it felt as if fated intervened when he happened upon a sign for an open position on the Lotus.

Come join the Lotus!

A proud member of the Starfleet Legacy Alliance