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Life in the Firefly 'Verse got you down?

Join Now!
Sick of living paycheck to paycheck? Tired of picking clean the bones of your neighbors in hopes of scavenging enough cred to keep a ship and crew running? Ready for a real job?

Well, have I got the opportunity for you! The I.V.S. Lotus, a privately owned but Alliance funded Enforcement ship, is now hiring crew for the following exciting positions:

Officer: Another gun is always handy! Browncoat history not an obstacle to employment. The successful applicant will have 5+ years mercenary experience. Sharpshooting, body guarding, or gun slinging expertise a definite plus.
Other: Do you have a character concept not covered by the options mentioned above? The game hosts are willing to work with you to find a position that will suit your character.

Break out of the outlaw rut! Applications can be submitted by completing the form found below.
The I.V.S. Lotus is an equal opportunity employer; insanity and criminality can be overlooked in favor of a neatly typed resume.

*This ad was paid for by People for a Peaceful Patella Drift and definitely not The Alliance. Really. You can take my word for it. No Alliance moneys here at all. Promise!*

"I knew I shouldn’t have joined the Alliance… who cares that I am an escaped convict with warrants in Lord knows how many systems?" - Officer Li James Lao

Your Real Name
Your Real Age
Your email address
How did you hear about the Lotus?
How familiar are you with the Firefly 'Verse?
Have you simmed before? For how long have you been simming?
Character Name
Character Gender
For which position are you applying?
Physical Description
Personality/Roleplaying Tips
Private Motivations (optional)
Personal Quote

"So, how does being half-hijacked and shot into space sit with you, because personally, I'm having a hell of a time." - Officer Riona Varden

Contact Lieutenant Harrison for further Lotus info!

Come join the Lotus!

A proud member of the Starfleet Legacy Alliance